All packed!

Whoever’s idea it first was is in dispute, but I certainly claim it as mine. The notion of it had been floating around for a while, but it wasn’t until after a tough day at work about eight months ago when I was trying to decide whether to join Iris and the kids fortheir annual trip to Austria that the notion became an idea.

The problem was there was far too much things we wanted to do and we were never going to squeeze even a fraction of it into my limited annual leave at a busy time of year work-wise; experience the culture of Mexico, go canopying in Costa Rica, see the Grand Canyon, DisneyWorld (for the kids of course… ahem), walk the Camino de Santiago, see friends and family around Europe, climb a mountain in Africa, go camping inFrance, see the pyramids in Egypt, visit the Taj Mahal, take the family to thebeaches in South East Asia, visit my sister in Japan. Choosing what to do proved difficult untilthe floating notion finally landed as an idea. How about doing it all?

This wasn’t the first time this kind of decision has been arrived at – ten years ago, I came to a similar one which led me ona three year journey through Europe, Asia and South America. This time in my life stands out like a beacon for many reasons, not least of which is that I came out of it with a wealth of experiences, several new languages and a lovely wife. Not bad going really – certainly beats working in an office for those years!

This time will be interesting for very different reasons. Backpacking for a year or so with a four and six year old will certainly bring its challenges. There will be days when it is raining, the kids are sick, bored and grumpy, but all of that will be far outweighed by the eye opening experiences, adventure, education and exhilaration that only travel can bring. We can only imagine how these sensations will be amplified when experienced through the eyes and ears of the kids. Hopefully it will be something they’ll never forget!

Since then, time has flown! Eight months became six (gave notice at work), six became three (flights booked), three became one (house rented out), One month became one week (sold car, most stuff packed, final farewells), one week has become one day (finished work and kids’ last day at kindy and school.) And now it is scarcely believable that we’ll be leaving our life in Wellington and hopping on a plane tomorrow.

The kids have been counting down the days for the last month and we’re all ready for it to begin!


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