A bit of unfortunate luck

“In Mexico, you’ll need to learn some phrases like ‘Hija de la chingada'” Shane told me as the waitress was sprinkling pepper on his meal at my leaving lunch. “What did you say??!!”, her face dropping in complete dismay as she caught the last part of the sentence, thinking he was talking to her.

Nobody had a clue what had prompted such a reaction until we learned that ‘hija de la chingada’ is about the worst thing you can call someone in Mexico (which is really saying something in a language famous for its colourful expletives!), and yes… it turned out that she was Mexican. Luckily for Shane, one with a sense of humour!

This photo is of Sofia and her cousin Emi who spent much of their last night together trying to build a paper chain long enough to connect them from halfway around the world. The cousins will be deeply missed!

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