
Quite by accident, the day that we visited Teotihuacan – Mexico’s largest ancient city – happened to be during the vernal equinox period. This was lucky and unlucky; there were a lot of ceremonies to mark the occasion, but there were also huge queues to climb the piramide del sol due to the hoards of devotees who’d come to soak up the mystic energies believed to converge there at around this time.

The kids held up remarkably well given that the day involved several hours of metro and bus rides, as well as a lot of walking, queuing and pyramid climbing in the hot sun. However, the biggest drama was when Sofia somehow lost ‘fluffy the unicorn’, her favourite toy, on the bus. Despite our best efforts to locate her, it seems that fluffy is now on a new adventure of her own…

Ceremony in front of the piramide del sol

Halfway up the citadel at templo de Quetzalcoatl

Ceremony at the templo de Quetzalcoatl

Crazy queues at the piramide del sol
“Hello room 8!”
Liam in front of the piramede de la luna
Descending the piramide del sol
Calzada de los muertos leading to piramide de la luna
News coverage of the vernal equinox at Teotihuacan

Sofia, the Metro veteran comforts Liam on his first ride underground

Last photo of Sofia with ‘fluffy the unicorn’ before he went on his own solo adventure

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