School time in Oaxaca

We left Mexico City after five short days, but could have very happily stayed there for many more – we barely even got to scratch the surface of what is a fascinating city. Having a great place to base ourselves in a pleasant part of town added to it all, but it was the hospitality by Alfonso at Anys Hostal that made the stay particularly memorable.

It was a six hour bus ride to our next ‘home’ in Oaxaca. First impressions of are of a relaxed, but lively and beautiful old colonial town. Our main purpose for staying here is for the kids to learn a bit of spanish and for us to improve ours as well.

We are staying with a host family, which was organised by the spanish school; Eugenia is the host mother and stays at home during the day and sells hamburgers on the street in the evening. She lives alone with her seventeen year old son Victor in an apartment close to ‘zocalo’, the city centre.

The first lesson today was great to shake out the many cobwebs that had accumulated since the last time we spoke it often eight years ago. Sofia absolutely loved her lesson too, but unfortunately poor Liam was a bit sick – probably from his recent habit of constantly sticking his dirty hands in his mouth!

A tired start to the day on the metro to the bus station
Audio books kept the kids entertained for the six hour bus ride from Mexico City to Oaxaca
Sofia in particular loved her spanish lesson
Lunch with Eugenia, her daughter, son and father


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