Farewell Oaxaca

Tomorrow we will be farewelling Oaxaca after a good week of learning spanish, great hospitality and the opportunity to see how the Oaxacans celebrate Semana Santa (Easter week.) We’re not really fussed that we haven’t gone out to see any of the famous ‘sites’ like the Monte Alban ruins or Hierve el Agua and Tule – a big tree. We much prefer meeting people and doing activities over seeing ‘stuff’, and more ruins probably wouldn’t have been much joy for the kiddies either.

Today, in my wisdom, I decided to take a mountain bike ride up the Oaxaca valley with a guide who is living here who is originally from California and has been living here the last five years after marrying a local Oaxacan girl. Unfortunately, and somewhat predictably, the combination of a moderate cold, high altitude and 30 degree heat didn’t quite work for me. I was feeling faint after the first moderate climb and had to take it very easy thereafter. Still, it was a pleasant way to spend a morning with good company. It was also good to experience riding in new terrain with all manner of new spiky obstacles to avoid.

Our last night in Oaxaca

Los locos…

Sofia with our host mother, Eunise, at the Semana Santa procession
Waiting for the procession to commence

Dedication – in all respects…
A secret


School excursion to see the black clay potters of Atzompa
Mountain biking in Oaxaca Valley
Cold + 1700m altitude + 30 degree heat <> good combination
Scorching – the air, the land, and me


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