Puerto Escondido

The past couple of days couldn’t be more contrasting. After an Easter egg hunt in Oaxaca, we embarked yesterday on a 6 and 1/2 hour journey on board a camioneta, or mini bus, to take us to the Pacific Coast town of Puerto Escondido.
The road was windy, to put it mildly, for pretty much the duration of the trip. Sofia, who normally gets car sick on a straight stretch of motorway held out pretty well for the first couple of hours with the aid of some motion sickness medicine, but was in free flow for most of the rest of the trip. She handled it like a pro though and like always, she never complained.
Our introduction to Puerto Escondido was also anything but pleasant. After being dropped off on a busy street, we were hassled by a drunk guy who was getting overly affectionate with the kids, but thankfully backed away when we made it clear he wasn’t welcome near us. Overwhelmingly though, the attention that the kids have received so far has been of a very positive nature; they often receive warm smiles, polite requests for photos, old ladies stroking their blond hair, that kind of thing. A lady in a market even gave them a couple of roses last week.
I saw the drunk guy again later in the local supermarket – he had two security guys tailing him closely, so obviously he has a reputation in this town.
To balance all of this, we’ve decided to splash out a bit more than we normally would on accommodation and have opted for a nice quirky little hotel in the main part of town for the first couple of days here. We spent most of today relaxing and recouperating around the pool before checking out the local beach at Bahia Principal where we had some excellent freshly caught fish amongst the bustling activity of the holiday makers and various vendors.
Finding easter eggs was difficult both for the kids and us in a country that doesn’t have an easter bunny
A good haul
Relaxing at Hotel Paraiso Escondido in Puerto Escondido
Sofia’s new friend ‘Zorro’
Bahia Principal in Puerto Escondido
Sausage vendor on Bahia Principal
Sofia having her hair braided by one of the many vendors on the beach
The kids have been getting a lot of attention – most of it positive
Wave = 1 Liam = 0
…but it didn’t slow him down
…and then he found an empty coconut on the beach and insisted on carrying it all the way back to the hotel to put his Easter chocolates in…
The straight line between Oaxaca and Puerto Escondido on the map below is not an accurate depiction of the nature of the trip


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