Slowing down…

When you’re in a place like Puerto Escondido, it is amazing how easily a day can pass without really doing anything. Since moving to a little place in Zicotela beach a few days ago, our bodies and minds have slowed down to move with the ultra relaxed pace of life here.

It’s got a reputation as a surfers’ hangout, and with the monster waves, good restaurants and cafes, as well as the stunning sunsets, it’s easy to see the attraction!

It’s our plan to take a week out every now and then to recharge the batteries a bit (ie. – do nothing!) and fragment the journey into smaller parts for us all to digest. This is proving the perfect place for that!

Sand angel

At a paella beachside restaurant – we have no idea what this game was about!
An early morning walk
Sofia discovered a cotton tree next to the beach
Me and my boy
Is anything more fun than wave jumping for a four year old?
More wave jumps in exchange for kisses… A good trade all around
If only it was always this harmonious
Riding in the back of the truck-taxi to the market
A giant flax grasshopper at the market – we couldn’t help but buy it
The sunsets and surf here are equally spectacular


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