Riding the Mexican Wave

Today we took a break from doing nothing and went out on a boat ride to see some dolphins. A couple of hours into it, a few scattered glimpses, the odd turtle, and another emptying of the stomach by poor Sofia later, we were beginning to question whether this was such a good idea. Finally though, the little fellas appeared in good numbers and put on a very impressive show. On the way back, a turtle was masterfully caught by one of the boat’s crew by leaping from the boat which was travelling at top speed, giving us the opportunity to swim with him before letting the poor startled creature get on with his day.

One of the things that had seemed a little strange about being in one of the world’s top surf spots was the surprising lack of surfers – well, good ones anyway. Today though, the little mystery was solved when we found them all hanging out at a place called ‘La Punta’ at the other end of the 4 km beach. The skill on display was as impressive as the setting.

My intent was to try a bit of body boarding, but I would have looked like a bit of a goof next to these guys, not to mention being being pulverised by the giant waves. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be too many places around here suited to my ability, or lack thereof.

Getting there was half the fun, but 90% of the danger!
After a couple of hours on the boat, we finally found what we had come for
And it was well worth the wait…
Well, for most of us anyway…
On the way back, one of the crew jumped in and caught this poor guy
At this point, the camera ran out of batteries, but luckily we had Sofia on hand to recall the events that followed…
An afternoon at ‘La Punta’
There was quite a bohemian feel to it – this girl was an impressive hula hoop… er
Those who were not fortunate enough to have a hula hoop were forced to resort to surfing.
Getting in looked to be a challenge!
…but this is clearly where the pros have been hiding

Quite the evening for it too…


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