San Cristobal de las Casas

Our last couple of days in Puerto Escondido finished in much the same pool-beach routine as most of the days there. Iris & Sofia got out one of the mornings for a ride along Zicotela beach and I finally got enough courage to try body boarding in the surf out at La Punta.
Unfortunately, ‘try’ was the operative word and despite my best efforts, I struggled to get even get close to catching a big wave. After some battering, I was relegated to the small breakers close to the shore with the eight year olds and even those little so-‘n-sos were better than me.
Last night we embarked on a twelve hour bus ride to the beautiful and relaxed colonial town of San Cristobal de las Casas. The plan here is simply to learn some more spanish and do some mountain biking over the next week. From the little we’ve seen today, it should be a great place to spend some time.
Horse riding at Zicotela with their faithful steeds Silencio and Luciana


A feather sword duel
Going in for the finishing tickle
San Cristobal de las Casas
At the market
Street vendor
20 pesos ($2) for a bucket of mangos
With some minor modifications, motor flush cans make excellent scoops
Chicken will be off the menu for a while


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