
A long and windy road brought us to Palenque where we’ve been staying at a place called El Panchan, which is a loose collection of cabanas housing mostly an alternative traveler community in a jungle setting close to the ruins. There are a couple of great bars and restaurants and great live traditional music, which is acompanying these words as I write.

While the standard of lodging is somewhat (far) beneath the good standard we’ve been enjoying, it does have some quirky charms, like being woken up by the aptly named howler monkies in nearby trees. Their decibel level definitely belies their tiny size – much like some little travelers I could name!

This morning we visited the impressive jungle shrouded ruins, which were an absolute pleasure to explore. Even Sofia enjoyed exploring and taking pictures of the ruins. Liam lasted a whole ten minutes before he was tired, his legs hurt and wanted to go home, which was about five minutes more than normal, so it was a hit all around really.

In the afternoon, we took a tour to a couple of nearby waterfalls. It’s not normally our preferred way of getting to attractions, but it worked a treat with the timing and cost in this instance and both of the falls were well worth seeing and swimming at.

El Templo de Inscripciones

Sofia really enjoyed the ruins… but only because she had her camera this time.
But all of this walking and snapping is such hard work. What to do?…
My photo of her…
…as she took one of me
Some more ruins shots…
…and some wildlife
You could be mistaken for thinking the forest is on fire
Misol Ha waterfall

At Aguas Azules… although not quite that colour right here
“What?… Yes, I did shave my armpits – look!”
Aguas Azules from above


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