Ambergris Caye; ‘The best island in the world’

We happened to read a few weeks ago that Belize’s Ambergis Caye had been voted the world’s best island by the users of Since we were heading in this direction, we thought we’d check it out and indeed, there is a lot to like; white sandy beaches, Caribbean waters, excellent food and the world’s second longest coral reef that runs parallel to it, sheltering it from any rough sea conditions and providing some great snorkelling and diving.

There is a definite ‘island’ feel to the place with people getting around at a relaxed pace on cycles and golf carts, and there is an abundance of beach bars and restaurants. Our only frustrations with the place are with the amount of litter on the beach and around the place (which has been a constant annoyance almost everywhere on our trip so far), and the cost, which is possibly cheap by Caribbean standards, but much more than everywhere else we’ve been this trip. I very much doubt it really is the best island in the world, more likely the results are more to do with the large number of Americans who come here who rate it on tripadvisor with no real frame of reference for comparison. However, it certainly has been a pleasant place to stay for a few days.

We’ve been doing our best to access what the island has to offer on our modest budget and I think we’ve done quite well. We went on a great snorkelling trip to the Hol Chan reserve, we’ve eaten very well, and we experienced the ‘chicken drop’ – a gambling event involving a chicken, lots of numbers, and a poo (see photos).

The highlight though was half a day spent on cycles, riding a few kilometres north of town to some nice beaches and relaxing at a cool bar on a pier over the sea and stopping by for a swim at a nice resort.

Waiting in Chetumal for a few hours on the way down from Tulum wasn’t fun.
Checking for drugs in Chetumal. They didn’t find them.
After a day of solid travel, we rewarded ourselves with a snorkelling adventure to Hol Chan on the coral reef
We got to see sea turtles, moray eels, nurse sharks, many sting rays and other types of fish. Sofia was well into it, but Liam just preferred to ride on my back without looking into the water much. It was hard work with a passenger on board!
Snorkelling with nurse sharks at Shark Alley
Spot ‘George’ the stingray outside our hotel
The famous ‘chicken drop’. Sofia was entranced at the prospect of winning $100 and we had to drag her away in tears. We may have a little gambler on our hands!
Swing the chicken… Raise the chicken… Blow the chicken
Liam seemed worryingly comfortable at the accompanying bar…
Remarkably, we managed to find a tag-along the next day. It was the second time ever that it had been rented.
It was a fantastic way to spend a morning
And fun was had along the way floating and relaxing at the Palapa bar, which sat on a pier over the sea with some outdoor seating:
By simply asking, we were able to hang out at one of the island’s best resorts

Which literally cost 20 times as much as our humble lodging (yes, I checked)


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