Home-stay in Lago de Atitlan

Our experiences with home-stays up until arriving in San Pedro at Lago Atitlan were that they tended to be not very different from basic B & Bs. Often there’d be some talking around dinner time in spanish, but it sometimes felt a bit forced as if it was something they were required to do to earn money for the home-stay. Also, if there are other students there, English would usually prevail making it not really that useful for immersing yourself in the language.

In San Pedro, we finally found the type of home-stay we’d been hoping for thanks to the great hospitality of Maria, Francisco and their daughter Fatima. They made us feel a part of the family and happily joined us in most of our afternoon activities. The kids also got on well and there is no question that playing with Fatima and her cousin Chusita boosted their spanish to the point where they’re now saying basic words and short sentences.

Our spanish has also taken the biggest leap since we first studied it ten years ago thanks to our excellent teacher Rene. He’s lead a pretty fascinating life with lots of interest stories and experiences to share, as well as the odd conspiracy theory such as subliminal messages in Disney cartoons.

We loved it here, but are ready to move on to our next destination, Honduras.

Chusita, Fatima, Liam & Sofia
An unruly mob
An excursion with the family
Leaky homes – About two years ago the lake rose a couple of metres after some severe weather. With no rivers flowing from the lake, it still hasn’t receded.
Fatima and Sofia on a boat to Santiago de Atitlan
Paving a road in Santiago de Atitlan
‘Maximon’ is some form of pre-Colombian Mayan god, mixed with Catholicism and his effigie resides in private residences around Santiago, accompanied by beer swilling locals, and is moved about every couple of months. The story goes that Maximón slept with all of the wives of men in a village while they were off working in the fields. When they found out, they cut off his arms and legs. Somehow he became a god after this
Liam at San Juan de Atitlan
Sofia wanted to be dressed the same as Fatima…
Outside the family home
The quality of water around the lake was ‘variable.’ There is a lot of speculation as to where the sewerage of the twelve surrounding towns ends up.
…But it is still a beautiful setting for a class room
The kids with their teacher Celeste
With Celeste and Rene
Our hosts’ house was basic, but very homely


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