Miami, Disney and trouble at Fort Lauderdale Airport

When we started this trip we knew that on the law of averages, we’d most likely occasionally encounter some transport problems over the year that we’re on the road. We were expecting these to happen in places with a less developed transport infrastructure like on the ‘chicken buses’ in Central America, but we’ve just had our first significant one on a SpiritAir flight from Fort Lauderdale to Denver…

Our flight was scheduled to leave in the early evening and did so on time. However, 15 minutes into the flight we were notified that there were issues with the hydraulics and that we would need to return to Fort Lauderdale. After arriving back at the terminal, we were told that a new plane would be used and that boarding would commence shortly. The boarding time got repeatedly pushed back for various reasons until eventually we were told that due to ‘crew stipulations’, the flight had been canceled. The rumour going around was that the crew had delayed the boarding of the plane until internal rules meant that they could have a night at home.

To add insult to injury, the efforts to accommodate the entire plane of passengers and find alternative routes were shambolic. By the time we got everything sorted by 2.30am, the checkin area resembled a refugee camp with tired travellers still scattered everywhere.

So, not quite the birthday present I was after. We lost a day and our immediate travel plans in the busiest travel week of summer are a bit messed up, but if this is the worst that happens this trip, we’ll be doing pretty well.

On the positive side, our time in Florida was good fun. Our first few days were spent at Miami beach on the bike, at the beach, and at the mall checking out the happenings. We can confirm that every stereotype about Miami and it’s people that you’ve ever heard is true. The people really are very attractive and are not at all shy about strutting their stuff on the beach and about town. The ‘abdominizer’ sales must be through the roof in this city and it is a small miracle that there is any silicon left to power our computers. I even got a strange urge to go to a gym for the first time in my life and go on a protein shake diet.

However, these odd urges passed quickly as soon as we arrived in Disneyland where all of a sudden I felt a lot more comfortable with my relative attractiveness and muscle definition.

Needless to say, the kids had a brilliant time at Disneyland and even though canned ‘magic’ isn’t really our thing, it easily surpassed Iris’s and my quite modest expectations – it was just plain old fashioned good fun. Our six days there were spent moving between the four main theme parks and two water parks. Our biggest concerns about downpours, heat and summer queues just didn’t eventuate. We were very lucky with the weather and by working the excellent ‘Fastpass’ system, we got to see all of the main rides without queuing. By the end of it though, the kids were in great form and keen for more, but Iris and I were shattered and now need a change of pace.

Hopefully we’ll get that now in the National Parks of the American South West.

Conversation of the week between Liam and the Satnav:

Satnav; “bear left and then bear right.”

Liam in an extra cute and excited voice; “Where is the bear?!”

Biking around Miami beach


Magic Kingdom

Fun for all on the merry-go-round
Sofia with her favourite princess Repunsal. Mine too… now
Fun at the ‘Blizzard Beach’ water park

‘Animal Kingdom’ was unanimously our favourite park

Well hung

Rafting expedition close to Mount Everest

Liam was devastated when he was refused a ride on ‘Expedition Everest’ for being about 2mm too short by an employee who took his job way too seriously. His subsequent dramatic growth spurt may possibly have been related to these folded tissues. He absolutely loved the ride!
Sofia lost her first tooth during our final evening at Disney at the ‘Fantasmic’ show

Scene at Fort Lauderdale at 2am waiting for our flights to be sorted



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