Bryce Canyon, Zion, Antelope Slot Canyons, Grand Canyon & Vegas

Probably the best way to describe our experience in the USA so far is to compare it to a ‘double down’ burger with a nice leafy salad in the middle. The deep fried, greasy, hormone fed, but undeniably tasty experiences of Disney and Vegas have sandwiched in the fresh, wholesome, natural goodness of the national parks of the South West.

Our camping stays continued to be excellent and I really can’t imagine a better way of experiencing the parks. The kids just loved it and even Iris had a great time after initially being a sceptic as a result of some checkered camping experiences in the past. Thankfully, we were lucky enough to have ‘Goldilocks’ conditions for most of the time – not too windy, cold, hot or wet and each of the camp grounds were had their own unique features to enjoy.

The standout for me was Zion for it’s stunning scenery, beautiful campground and great hiking. Liam’s and Sofia’s was Bryce Canyon because of the ‘Queen’s Garden Trail’ and horse riding trek respectively, while Iris loved the awesomely photogenic Antelope Slot Canyons, in spite of the upper canyons being a crowded and stressful affair.

In Las Vegas we stayed ‘downtown’ at a hotel called the ‘Golden Nugget’ which the kids loved for the three storied swimming pool with a shark tank in the middle. Of course, this being Las Vegas, there was also a water slide that went through the middle of the tank.

We managed to visit most of the major casinos on the strip, as well as the ‘Fremont Street Experience’, a lights show spanning four blocks, and an excellent illusions show. Having quite low expectations, It really was a surprisingly good time – not to mention economical. Most of the casinos have their room rates, buffets, and ‘half price’ deals on shows as loss leaders for the casino business, which is really what it is all about. This is excellent for people like me who don’t see the attraction in gambling in places where the odds are stacked against you. It was also quite amusing being told what ages the kids needed to be to get in for free, and then asking how old they are. Sofia even got in as a four year old at a buffet and we never paid a cent extra for having them there over the two days we were there.

And now, after a lot of moving about over the past few weeks, everyone is looking forward to a relaxed week at Lake Tahoe with Auntie Kiley!

Our camp site at Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
The girls opted for a four legged trek
While the boys had a great time exploring the beautiful ‘Queens Garden Trail’
Next up was Zion National Park where we spent three nights camping. It was just stunning.
At a stream near our campsite
Hiking up ‘The Narrows’
The view on the way to Angels’ Landing was spectacular. However, as I was climbing across the cliffs with vertical drops of 450m with only a chain to hold on to, I suddenly discovered that I have a fear of heights for the first time in my life – or more accurately, a fear of falling to my death! After careful consideration, I decided to leave the final ascent (to the left below) for another day…

The final resting place of my Oakley sunglasses, who have been a faithful travel companion for over ten years, is down in the north rim of the Grand Canyon

This loss adds to a growing casualty list from this trip:

  • Fluffy the unicorn, Jan 2013 to Mar 2013 (MIA somewhere near Mexico City)
  • Iris’s Oakley sunglasses, Jun 2011 to May 2013 (Lost at beach in Tulum)
  • Canon Camera Mar 2013 to Jun 2013 (Dropped from horse in Nicaragua)
  • Apple iPad Jun 2010 to Jul 2013 (Stepped on in hotel room in USA)
  • Six sunhats (left and lost in various locations throughout the trip)
Golden nuggets on the way to the Antelope Slot Canyons
…Where truck loads (literally) of people go to visit the slot canyons

for the sole purpose of taking photos like these. Although undeniably beautiful, the experience in the upper Canyon was awful with tourists being herded through like sheep and crammed in like sardines. The lower canyon experience was much more relaxed and enjoyable.

When we arrived at the Grand Canyon’s South rim, it was raining so the kids did an excellent Junior Rangers programme. Below the kids are being sworn in – tomorrow’s school lesson for Liam will be ‘lefts and rights’
The next morning we got up with the birds, the sun was shining, and we had the place almost to ourselves
New York New York Casino in Las Vegas
An ‘Air Bar’ which seemed pretty popular in all of the hotels. Apparently they cure hangovers and sore muscles.
The amazing forum shopping at Caesars
Liam was very pleased with himself for drinking a half litre of water in one go at Death Valley. The next half hour’s driving was very slow going with many stops…

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