Autumn Fun

Ever since we decided to spend some of our time abroad in Graz, I had mostly been looking forward to a real winter Christmas – I had forgotten about how beautiful a ‘real’ autumn with piles of fallen leaves can be…
I am aware of a storm of orders from all over the planet once you have a look at the pictures below, but I had to show you the amazing things Opa made for and with the kids – after their own ‘designs’…
David finally re-joined us from NZ and we went to Prague to visit friends from our Dublin days, sending us down memory lane – thanks so much for a great week end, David and Anje!
They had so much fun rolling down the hill that Liam vomited from motion sickness…
autumn pile (no vomiting)
one of many attractions in Mima and Opa’s garden
the latest tree house
Opa, make me a helicopter!
studying designs
maiden flight

Opa, make me a horse!
construction of Peggy

finishing touches

Opa, make me a scooter!
the finished product

Mima, make me a princess dress (when my mum offered to make a princess dress, she thought she’d cut off an old t-shirt and sew on a frilly skirt. Yea right…)

With David, Anje, Cian and Liah in Prague

The golden city
Sofia and Cian – long ago
and here they are today…

It looked like Liam and Liah were hitting it off too…

or maybe not…

David and Anje took us to beautiful Hruba Skala

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