Once is never enough…

Ever since we returned from our last family adventure in 2014 we knew it would simply be a matter of time until we embarked on another round of exploration around this amazing ball of dirt of ours. Our last trip was easily the best thing we’ve done as a family and combined some of the things we love most – our kids, travel, and adventure. To do it again was a very easy decision.

That said, there is never a ‘good’ time to uproot your lives and like the first time, we couldn’t simply wait until the perfect time arrived. However, being the last opportunity before school starts getting serious and while the kids are still kids (just!) we’ve decided that there will never again be as good a time as right now.

So… like the first time, we have prepared the house to be rented, got all our jabs, booked our first flight, made arrangements with our work, packed our bags, and here we are at Auckland airport about to jump on a flight heading towards our first destination – Mumbai.

We know that this will be a very different trip. Our destinations will be much more challenging and we don’t expect the kids to be as easy travellers as they were when they were five and six. Unfortunately, they appear to have developed opinions and ideas about the way they would like things to be, which is different from five years ago when they tended to accept whatever was in front of them. There has already been the odd tear for the friends that they won’t see for a bit, but the overriding emotion for all of us is excitement and for Iris and I also gratitude to be able to do all of this again.

Round 1

Round 2

About the author


  1. All the very best for this big adventure! Looking forward to reading about your experiences and hearing all about it once you get back! Cheers Linn and John Araboglos

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